''Always seeing something, never seeing nothing, being photographer.''

~Walter De Mulder~


Sofie, 23 years old, lives in the middle of nowhere (close to the Black Forest, Germany) with the wonderful dogs Lou and Mia.

We enjoy long walks through the wilderness around our village and love doing sports together. Hiking in the untaimed landscape of beautiful mountains is our passion and fulfillment of joy.


Growing up in a rather rural area with animals around me, I started capturing every discovery on my expeditions with an old fashioned camera. A lot has changed since that. My old cameras were eventually replaced by new ones and I've learned a great deal about photography. How to use the manual mode and how to play with the sunlight and the colours of nature. I fell deeply in love with getting animals in front of my lenses and dogs in particular. But my true love is dedicated to displaying the love between a human being and an animal.